Catagory 1:

Storm's Metal Thunder Battlemaster

Emerging from the depths of  Mt Ishiyama with his mechs arms raised in victory, Captain Jason Allison Daniels basked in the adoration of the fans after a grueling 2 hour battle. Now
dirty, battle-worn, dented and scraped, he was very impressed with his newly  purchased "Re-Seen" Battlemaster and how it handled during his just finished duel.

Since he was currently attached to "STORM'S METAL THUNDER" as an independent contractor. (( he had dated Grif Storms younger sister, Gale. She had encouraged Jason that his
teaching skills would benefit her brothers unit.))   He had his mech painted in that units color of dark blue.  To symbolize his temporary stay he placed the units symbol on the lower right
leg instead of the customary lower left.

As he was becoming known throughout SolarisVII as an up an coming Mechwarrior of exceptional skills, he made the aquaintance of  "Ace Darwin" commander of the WHIPITS.  Mr
Darwin recognizing "talent" when he saw it entered into a sub-contract with Captain Daniels.  Part of that contract  required  the addition of the WHIPITS symbol, a pink cats paw to the
lower left heel of Daniels mech.

 Jason claimed direct decent from the Famed Star League "GUNSLINGER", Colonel Daniel Allison who also had piloted a Battlemaster. As this was the 325th  Anniversary of his famed
fore-bearers retirement from dueling and the re-birth of that mans famed mech, the BATTLEMASTER,  Jason had the famous "Gunslinger" symbol of crossed sixguns painted high up on
the mechs 6-pack to proclaim it as part of his proud heritage.


Wolf's Dragoons Delta Regiment Wolverine


Discouri Griffen


21st Centauri Lancers Thunderbolt


Hansen's Roughriders Rifleman


Catagory 2:

Blue Star Irregulars 1894th Regiment Shadowhawk


Hansen's Roughriders Griffen


Kristen's Krushers: The Warrior Mariks Warhammer


Lindon's Battalion Archer